🦾 FEGex listing

Oct 20, 2021


Our donation wallets are open to expedite our listing process. Once we are able to reach enough funds for both BSC and ETH chains to be listed we will announce a date and time for the community to be on board with us. This is a very exciting moment for us all. We hope that everyone can come together to help conquer new milestones in our future updates! 💦🐻

Donations can be sent in BNB / ETH / TRDG / FEG / USDT 👑

Please make sure you check the address listed below


Also be aware that this is our original donation address as well and can be located by accessing the tab on our website here. There are links to the BSC and ETH wallets to see our donation amounts. Thank you ❤️





Frictionless Rewards 5% Tax (2.5% Burn // 2.5% back to Holders)